Melanin (the human chlorophyll) absorbs strongly all wavelengths of the electro magnetic spectrum, that means visible and invisible, and this photonic energy is then turned into chemical energy by dissociation of water molecule. We are going beyond to heightening our working team to a multidisciplinary one mainly for scientific and social- based aims.
Medical modulation of Human photosynthesis allows the improvement of diseases in a extraordinary manner. Basically because perhaps the majority of common illnes begin with a turn down of the process of water dissociation, and when the oxygen and hydrogen levels are low, then the cell goes into a malfunction.
Due to every organism is different, then the pacient has different manifestations. Some people have symptoms of: arthritis, or Alzheimer Diseases, Parkinson Disease, Athsma, Pulmonary fibrosis, Hepatic cirrhosis, renal failure, etc..
When our patients begin to take QIAPI 1, two drops sublingually, each two hours, all the time the patient is awake. Every time the body goes in balance (with each administration), it repaired itself a little bit. .
Experience thaught us that when human photosynthesis is turned down in a acute form, edema and hemorrhage ensue,(the majority of the diseases began in this way), however when the process is chronic then will have an organism with low levels of hydrogen into the cells and sooner or later fibrosis will develop.
In example: an alcohol cup turn down human photosynthesis during days, and when the intake is at week ends during years, the patient will develop fibrosis, clasically; in liver.
For information to specific health problem, please write to:
Our contact information
Dr. Arturo Solís Herrera MD, PhD.
Dra. Carmen Arias Esparza MD.
Dra. Ruth Isabel Solís Arias MD.
Dra. Paola Solís Arias MD.
Dra. Patricia Solís Arias MD.
By standard mail:
Centro de Estudios de la Fotosíntesis Humana (TM)
Calle López Velarde 108 y 109 Colonia Centro. C.P.20000. Aguascalientes, Ags. México. Tel. (052)449-9160048, (052)449-9150042.
Avenida Aguascalientes Norte 607, Pulgas Pandas Sur, Cp 20130. Delegación Pocitos. Aguascalientes México.
Sierra del Laurel 212, Bosques del Prado Norte; Aguascalientes, Aguascalientes, México. CP 20127. Phone: +52449-2517232 Centro de Estudios de la Fotosíntesis Humana.
Human Photosynthesis Study Center.
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